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    RFP/SLA Creation, Evaluation and Negotiations License

RFP/SLA Experience and Knowledge



POG’s RFP/SLA package is a licensed product. The client pays a one-time usage fee for the right to use the detailed POG template package over a 6 month period. The client has the option to customize it using internal resources, or request consulting assistance from POG.

  • Acquire the RFP/SLA licensed product from POG. (Shrink-wrapped package)
  • Training: POG provides a 4-hour review and training session. (Expenses extra)
  • Optional: Discuss and/or request consulting assistance from POG.
rfp creation process

Print Consulting Services

Print Environment Assessment

Print Environment Assessment

Transition Plan and Project Charter

Transition Plan and Project Charter

Governance Model License

Governance Model License

RFP/SLA Creation, Evaluation and Negotiations License

RFP/SLA Creation, Evaluation and Negotiations License

Print Optimization Deployment

Print Optimization Deployment

Cultural Navigation

Cultural Navigation

Sustainment Program

Sustainment Program

Supply Vehicles

Supply Vehicles