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    Cultural Navigation

Social Responsibility and Cultural Navigation

Technical Planning is Key

We have found that the technical side of the solution is often times the least complicated. The human factor, that of resistance to change, concern over status and appearance are often where the most care and diligence need to be devoted. The best technical plan poorly communicated and implemented will generate sub-standard results. For this reason, we have dedicated significant resources to change management, communications and understanding the clients’ culture and individual needs.

POG’s Cultural Navigation© Process

Achieving deployment objectives and success is dependent on end user buy-in and support. Unfortunately, this critical element is often overlooked when planning and executing a print optimization initiative. To mitigate this situation, POG has developed a comprehensive Cultural Navigation© process to maximize the efficiency and success of deployment.

Cultural Navigation© is a multi-faceted change management approach that ensures the implementation of an approved print strategy at an organizational level while engaging each user group in tailoring the solution to meet business requirements.

Control: Management and control of the chosen service provider is critical. Vendor business objectives do not always align well with those of the client. POG’s independence and Cultural Navigation© process will quickly and efficiently resolve conflicting agendas.

Best Practices: POG’s Print Knowledge Database© (PKD) is the culmination of 24 years and 160 sets of real life print data used for benchmarking and identifying applicable industry best practices. The entire Cultural Navigation© process pulls data from the PKD and combines it with senior level experienced consultants, to benefit the client and their print optimization program.

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End User Buy-in: The best strategy or the coolest technology in the world will not work if the end users do not buy-in and provide their support. The Cultural Navigation© approach is to communicate to and work with the end user groups to explain what is happening and why, and then point out the benefits though creative communications and visual “dots on paper” floor designs. With end user buy-in, the hardware installation will go much quicker and smoother. Cost reduction targets will be achieved while end user satisfaction levels improve, and that is what print optimization is all about.

Print Consulting Services

Print Environment Assessment

Print Environment Assessment

Transition Plan and Project Charter

Transition Plan and Project Charter

Governance Model License

Governance Model License

RFP/SLA Creation, Evaluation and Negotiations License

RFP/SLA Creation, Evaluation and Negotiations License

Print Optimization Deployment

Print Optimization Deployment

Cultural Navigation

Cultural Navigation

Sustainment Program

Sustainment Program

Supply Vehicles

Supply Vehicles